Irrigation Scheduling
Irrigation management can help increase yields by determining proper application rate, timing and method which can lead to more efficient irrigation and water use as well as help mitigate fertilizer leaching.
Soil moisture data can help you make these critical irrigation management decisions. There is no better tool to determine your soil moisture than going out to the field and hand probing different areas, but there is only so much time in the day that one can spend probing around. That is where we come in to provide you the essential and efficient tools to gather the data you need to make those critical irrigation decisions.

Meet Carlos Olmedo
A Dellavalle Consultant
Our Consultants:
- Over 40+ Years Experience
- Serving California
- 3 Offices Statewide
We provide you indispensable soil moisture services in both permanent and row crops, including:
- Neutron probe data and irrigation scheduling.
- Capacitance sensors and resistance blocks continuous soil moisture monitoring.
- Field evaluation of irrigation systems efficiencies.
- Development of irrigation strategies.
- Laboratory and field determination of soil water-holding capacities.
Have a question? We're here to help.
Contact us today to learn more about our agricultural services.
- Over 40 Years Experience
- Serving California
- Satisfaction Guaranteed!